Defendant's Right to Image in Criminal Proceedings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student, Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The exclusive jurisdiction of governments in criminal matters has been established by the theory of the modern government and the powers granted to them. In order to protect the rights of the accused and ensure the right of the society to monitor the performance of the government and inform about the criminal process, the public hearing as one of the principles of fair trial is foreseen in countries constitutions and international documents and includes the rights of the accused and the society. But the accused also has the right to privacy. One of its manifestations is the right to one’s image, the violation of which in criminal proceedings can damage his dignity.
The contradictory situation of the two basic rights of public hearing and the right to the image In the criminal process, raise the question of how to reconcile them. This article by examining the aforementioned rights and considering the duties resulting from them, has come to the conclusion that these two rights are not in conflicting, contrary to what it seems at first, and it is possible to combine them, because the need to conduct proceedings in public requires providing It’s possibility for citizens to directly monitor the work of the judicial system and guarantee a fair trial, not to know the identity and characteristics of the accused and the details of his private life. Therefore, allowing citizens to attend hearings and providing measures to protect people's privacy are among the duties of governments.


  1. منابع

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