the role of mens rea in causation

Document Type : Research Paper


department of criminal law & criminology/ faculty of law &political science/ university of tehran/ tehran/ iran


Causation in criminal law, is a relationship that provides a means of connection between the conduct and the harmful result. Today, in many legal systems, the study of this relation (more than the attention to material elements) is based on the criteria for assessing the culpability of behavior. On one hand Sufficient cause view tends to rest on legal concepts of intention and fault as a diagnostic criteria to legal cause with similar foundations in Islamic's jurisprudential texts, is the base of disscution about causation in the islamic criminal law, and on other hand the unbreakable amalgamation of the concept of legal causality with customary standards in most legal systems, including the Iranian legal system, makes it increasingly impossible to separate between the mens rea and causation. In summary, the form of the causal relationship in the Islamic Penal Code can be explained as follows: , the criteria of Sufficient cause view tends to be used only in effect of human causes plural with other natural factors. This theory or any other theory of using standard assumptions of multiple human causes, because of the complexity and multiplicity of mentionable instances, is unusable. Accordingly, finding an effective legal cause to in these assumptions must be borne by customary judgments. Both the criterion of the Sufficient cause view and the customary judgments based on the culpability of behavior, in particular on indirect results, rely on mental elements (mens rea).


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