*The pillars of national land rape crimes in accordance with the teaching of legal criminology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Judicial Assistant Judicial Court of Yazd Province

2 Professor

3 Asistant Professor


Policies against rape of national lands in Iran have often come up with legislation. The crimes in this area, like other crimes, consist of three pillars: legal, material and psychological. The scientific evaluation of structure implies bugs and various legal and judicial interpretations and increase aggressions. Also, the traditional approach and considering these crimes similar to ordinary crimes, has increased the diversity of material and psychological pillars; The crimes that threaten the survival of all living things and the ecosystem's survival, compared to the classical criminal law, which has a certain degree of social stability. Hence, the quality of the criminalization aggression on the lands in accordance with the criminological facts and modification the current condition and correction of abuse and rape need to contemplate. Nevertheless, Recruitment of differential and modern legislative penal policy, essential and balanced development of crime and quality them in all dimensions (Removing bugs in the legal pillar, explaining and intelligent matching components of the material and psychological pillars with together and raising the nature of crimes) and finally the classification of this crimes in accordance with the legal criminology, is essential.
In this research, descriptive-analytical work and relying on legal criminology tried to identify, problems related to the pillars of crimes against national lands and proposals will be made available to update and improve their effectiveness and eliminate the damage to this part of the penal policy.


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