Functional ideas and Proactive criminal investigations

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran University,Pardis Farabi Faculty of Law


Functionalism is a prominent social science ideas rooted in positivism. The notions of this school in the sense of the existence of a social system separate from the people of the society as an organism with the particular value and normative necessary for its functioning and emphasizing the necessity of the conformity of all members in the direction of the functioning, order and stability of this whole, in the views of Durkheim And Parsons led to statements about the necessity of supervising each system on its potentially destructive behavior in its members and in controlling destructive conflicts. In this paper, through descriptive-analytic method, it has been tried to identify functional theories, how to interpret the readings derived from these theories in the domain of criminal investigations and its impact on the formation and development of a new type of criminal investigation with a proactive approach. In analyzing functionalist propositions in sociology, these theories have been criticized in terms of radical, abstract, imaginary, the concept of society as a pacage of value, rigidity with the negation of will, freedom and individual rights. In the same vein, the consequence of functionalism's influence in criminal investigations is on orbital information, the focus of prevention, the standard diminution of the initiation of research, the extension of the scope of research, the advancement of administrative rights in criminal procedure, the violation of individual rights and the principles of criminal procedure and the potential for discriminatory effects of the investigation process. Human factors have become obsolete.


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